Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethical Issues In The ICU Essay

Medical practitioners are faced with the challenge of making decisions on whether to withhold or withdraw a patient’s life sustaining therapy in the intensive care unit. Intensive care units are departments which provide high quality and advanced forms of therapies to very ill patients in the intensive care unit at an increased cost. These patients’ expectations are high with regard to modern medicine, and as a result, have led to the rise of complex ethical issues in the ICU. Clinicians managing patients in the intensive care unit face many ethical problems during the patient’s routine care. This is seen in cases of withholding life sustaining therapy, withdrawing life sustaining therapy, informed consent and making decisions that affect the patients. Introduction Ethical related issues in the intensive care unit are a dilemma facing medical practitioners and nurses. This has affected the quality of care given to the patients in the ICU. Nurses responsible for caring for critically ill patients are faced with many ethical problems in the ICU due to the lack of enough full time critical care personnel and lack of enough funds to facilitate and run the intensive care units. A guideline on ethical issues in the intensive care unit demands that nurses offering critical care to patients apply the care with humanity by showing respect for the emotions and choices of the patients and their families. Nurses in this field are required to provide all necessary information to the patients and the family, counsel them and assist in interpreting the results so they can make well informed decisions. Nurses must consult with all physicians involved in the patients’ management. ethical problems facing nurses in he intensive care unit range from aggressive forms of treatment, following the wishes of the patients families to using extreme forms of reducing pain and assisted suicide and euthanasia.. Care of patients in the intensive care units involves aggressive forms of treatments with high risks associated with them and high-tech modern medicine which has higher risks than improving the patients’ prognosis. Critically ill patients and terminally ill patients who should be left to die in the comfort of their homes like in the earlier days are now made to undergo last minute aggressive treatments which may end up being no significant. In such cases when the treatment fails and the patient dies, the patients’ family blames the nurses and doctors for being insensitive to their wishes. Nurses are faced with the burden of not knowing where to draw the line between extending the natural process of dying by applying aggressive forms of medical care and when to apply life support systems. Ethics require that medical practitioners and nurses put the interests of their patients and their families’ first rather than applying futile medical technology to save the life of the patient or prolong their dying process against the family’s wishes. Nurses in the care of critically ill patients are required to set proper goals and interventions for terminal are of patients. End of life decisions should be made after consensus with all involved physicians. Critically ill patients in the intensive care unit get the most complex forms of treatment even in cases where their prognosis is poor. These patients also die under the most undesirable situations such as comatose conditions or under ventilatory support. Research studies have shown that critically ill patients are put through very aggressive forms of treatment which the clinicians would not want to undergo. The same studies have shown that the majority of patients in the intensive care unit are on a life-limiting care. Only very few patients in the intensive care unit receive full life support treatment and CPR. Most nurses and medical care givers are faced with the burden of choosing whether to resuscitate a patient or not when their prognosis is poor. Categories of ethical problems Cost reduction Critical care of patients in the intensive care unit is the most expensive form of treatment. Critical patients who die are said to accumulate more expenses than those who survive. This is because aggressive modern medicine for sustaining life is very expensive. Due to this the standard of care give in intensive care units has deteriorated as it focuses more on cost reduction rather than provision of quality health care. Medical care providers are often faced with the burden of how to establish when to provide full life support to patients and when to withdraw life sustaining support. These decisions are usually based on the patient’s age, type of illness or their prognosis. In effect the medical care providers are influenced to make biased decisions. Defining the standards of care to be given in the intensive care units is based on reducing the incurred costs. (Lo B. (2005). Quality of care Most health care institutions have developed strategies of limiting life support on critically ill patients. Families of critical patients may wish to write do not Resuscitate orders if their patient’s rate of survival is low. In case this is done, this category of patients receives less attention from medical personnel and less care from nurses. Strategies of limiting life support have been based on the patients’ age, prognosis and the family wishes. Patients who are categorized as old and with a poor prognosis tend to get less attention from the medical care providers and the care given to them is of less quality. Rather that receiving actual medical care these patients are given sedatives and narcotic analgesia. Terminally ill patients receive fewer medical interventions before death and are usually given narcotic analgesics to mitigate pain and sedatives to reduce their suffering. Ethical guidelines urge that all patients be given quality care irrespective of their condition but medical care providers often base their interventions on biased decisions. The concept of futility Medical care providers use the concept of futile therapy to withhold or withdraw life sustaining treatment. In the clinical practice very few things are of absolute certainty and so physicians must avoid making decisions based on the futility of the treatment. The outcome of CPR application cannot be based on whether the patients’ family signed the Do not Resuscitate order. Every other patient in the intensive care unit should be given quality care based on facts rather than assumptions. Decisions on withholding or withdrawing life support should be discussed with the patients or with their family members. This expresses respect for their rights and wishes and helps in avoiding conflicts which may lead to legal litigations. The medical personnel are faced with a dilemma in cases where the patient’s prognosis is poor and extending the natural process of dying through aggressive treatment would be futile. In such cases some family members could insist on sustaining the patients’ life. The medical personnel thus have no option in deciding what is best for the patient. Putting such a patient through aggressive treatment enables the family to understand the realities of the concept on withholding or withdrawing the life support. Autonomy This principle demands that no form of treatment should be administered to patients without their own approval or that of their family members, except in cases of emergency where immediate intervention is required. Patients and their families have the right to disapprove any form of treatment and their wishes should be respected. These wishes should be indicated on a written consent in form of advance directive. However, when writing the directive the patient may not have anticipated his present condition or he may decide to change his mind. Medical personnel are thus faced with burden of making the best decision for the patient by putting the patient’s interests first. In the intensive care unit, medical personnel deciding whether to apply CPR on a patient with a good prognosis or to follow his family wishes to withdraw life support. The reliability of family members to represent the best interests of the patients is questionable because some family members may want to withdraw the patient’s life support for their own selfish interests. As a result, doctors and nurses are required to make the best decision for the patient irrespective of the family’s wishes. (Pozgar G. D (2005). Euthanasia and assisted suicide Euthanasia is whereby a medical care provider administers a lethal dose to the patient while in assisted suicide the killing drug is self administered by the patient with the help of a physician. This practice is no widespread, although physicians all over the world are engaging in the practice. They justify their actions as a form of relieving their patients from pain and suffering. In some cases patients do not give consent for euthanasia but still physicians practice it. Most family members choose terminal sedation whereby patients are put in a comatose condition and then food and water is withdrawn. (Morton P. G (2005) Organ donation Patients in the intensive care unit requiring critical care may require an organ transplant to assist in sustaining their life. Patients and family members might have advance directives which disapprove the idea of organ transplants. Medical care givers have a difficult time determining whether a patient should receive an organ donation or not. Performing an organ transplant without the patients or family’s consent could lead to a legal litigation. (Melia K. M (2004). The principle of beneficence In this situation the medical care provider is faced with a moral dilemma in making the best decision fro the patient with regard to his interests rather than those of the family. The role of a physician to apply his best judgement for the patient’s interest is hindered by the patients’ family which rejects the concept of futility. Such family members impose unreasonable demands on the physician to extend the natural process of dying. This only prolongs the patient’s pain and suffering. Medical personnel should therefore be able to make the best decisions for the patients. Ethical issues in the nursing field hinder the ability of physicians to administer quality medical care to critical patients in the intensive care unit.  Physicians are urged to shoe humanity and compassion when applying intensive care to critical patients. Nurses and doctors should set goals and objectives when giving end of life care to patients with both good and poor prognosis. In regard to ethical issues in the intensive care unit, medical care givers should know that their duties are both directed towards the patients and the families. Before carrying out any medical treatment and procedure, nurses and doctors should obtain written consents form patients or their immediate family members to avoid ethical dilemmas which may lead to legal litigations.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Impact Of A Globalized Economy Economics Essay

In the current twenty-four hours, we are populating in an economic system which is globalized and this is clearly apparent. The whole universe is undergoing transmutation at a really high velocity as clip goes by. Krueger ( 1994 ) observes that, Local, national and regional economic systems one time comparatively insulated from each other are engaged in a apparently grim procedure of planetary integrating characterized by spread outing trade and competition, private sector-driven investing, market friendly authorities financial and pecuniary policies, the spread outing embracing of scientific discipline and modern engineering, and the planetary spread of a common, cross-cultural mass consumer products-driven civilization ( p13 ) . While it is established that the procedure of globalisation commenced 100s of old ages ago, on the other manus, the velocity at which this procedure has been traveling has merely increased in the last century ( 20th century ) and in this new century, the velocity is seen to be increasing even more. The international corporations are playing a major function in rushing up the rate at which globalisation is taking topographic point. Merely until in the recent times, people lived in a universe that was extremely divided in which there was capitalist economy and communism and the universe was besides being greatly militarized, with each state traveling its ain manner. However, in the present twenty-four hours, things are different and have greatly changed. In the current universe, each and every state is endeavoring to deduce some political and economic benefits coming from the economic growing which is broad and market driven. This paper is traveling to see the extent to which globalisation of the economic system has taken topographic point. It is traveling to be established that, globalisation of the economic system is presently at a higher degree as compared to the globalisation of the economic system in the last century. It is besides traveling to be indicated that, the planetary economic system is traveling to be at a even a higher degree in the approaching 20 old ages and besides beyond this clip.The Extend to which the economic system is globalizedHarmonizing to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ( 2010 ) , in the current twenty-four hours, the planetary economic system is at a tipping degree. This association points out that â€Å" the old readings of success, growing and planetary stature has been based on motion in Fortune, CAC, FTSE, DAx and Hang Seng indices, tracking multinationals based in a few dominant states † ( Page 6 ) . An reading like this one is undergoing altera tion at a extremist gait to do acknowledgment of the strengths that are based in the parts which are holding the market strengths that are non similar but are instead diverse. These diverse strengths are traveling to give a definition to the planetary economic system in clip to come. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ( 2010 ) observes that globalisation will still travel on in the hereafter and this will convey about a universe of â€Å" flatter † . Harmonizing to their apprehension, globalisation which is invariably undergoing development will derive form ensuing from these strengths in the diverse markets that is being perceived in the assorted parts of the universe. At the corporate degree, it is expected that there will come up a universe of what is referred to as â€Å" tradesmans † and fresh concern federations and this will come along with those coactions that are greater among the markets, community and besides among concerns. The support for this cooperation will arise from the support that is traveling to be offered by increasing ordinances in harmonisation. Following this, the planetary concern ‘ hereafter is seen to be more complex and non really much clear cut. At the present, the planetary argument is being dominated by a larger group formed by the states in the universe. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ( 2010 ) , points out that, â€Å" originally steered by the G5 – France, Germany, Japan, the U.S and the U.K- the planetary economic system was progressively influenced by Canada, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland, taking to G11 † ( page 6 ) . However, doing acknowledgment of the developing state ‘s impact has resulted in the leaders all over the universe to hold credence of the G20 states as the fresh planetary foundation. Following this credence, the universe leaders have embraced an of all time broader group in argument sing the planetary economic system while there is distributing of economic influence to several parts. In the hereafter, there will be much powerful competition for the natural resources. This will name for the demand to hold an international attack that will hold to be coordinated at a higher degree in order to recognize entree to adequate resources every bit good as procuring these resources. Among resources are oil, being the most of import one, nutrient, H2O and minerals. It is besides projected that, there will be growing of the planetary market in ways that are varied and this growing will be dependent upon the handiness of resources, the parts and on the partnerships that will be formed. There will be convergence of the ordinances regulating fundss across the markets all over the universe and at the same clip there will be traveling on of the universe regulative cooperation. From this, there will be facilitation in conveying about an addition in the handiness of the beginnings of fundss and besides an addition in capital flow volumes every bit good as the values of this capital. The function that will be played by each authorities in the hereafter is given definition to by stressing private concern facilitation. Careful administration is rather important while globalisation of the economic system goes on. In the hereafter, new systems will be set up in order to guarantee seting the universe of tradesmans in a better place ( Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, 2010 ) . Basically, there is altering of the universe phase and this is ensuing from globalisation and growth of the markets that are coming up. It is projected that by the twelvemonth 2030, this tendency will hold brought about a flattering of the economic scene ( Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, 2010 ) . In the hereafter, a smaller figure of the restrictions on globalisation will convey approximately much more competition. However, this competition that is projected to come up will non be looked at as being a conflict. The states in the universe are seen to be sharing among themselves wealth and helping one another in the class of the competition. Therefore, in the hereafter, competition will non be looked at as being a game in which there will emerge also-rans and victors but instead as a instance in which all the participants in the game are playing in one squad with those economic systems that are developed and those that are coming up sitting on the same tabular array to portion thoughts every bit good as capital and the best ways of transporting out concern. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ( 2010 ) , quotes the manager of PriceWaterCoopers, Malaysia in which he says that there will be equilibrating once more of the planetary economic system while it tries to set to the crisis ( fiscal ) by turning out to be to a great extent reliant to the United States of America. The manager hopes that the economic systems that are emerging will come up with the market bunchs that are new and this will hold to hike an economic chance that is two manner between the United States of America and other states with which they trade. Therefore, there will be publicity of the trade in which there is a two manner flow of goods and services alternatively of holding a universe in which the goods are transported to the United States of America and at the same clip capital is taken to the East. Establishing on this is information, it is expected that globalisation will no longer be driven by the transnational corporations that have roots in the economic systems that are developed but instead it will every bit good be driven by the international concern organisations that are based in those markets that are coming up or emerging ( Jagdish, 2004 ) . The indexs or instead, the marks of the lifting adulthood are clearly being seen in the current yearss at an increasing degree. In the class of the last 10 old ages, the entire figure of the transnational corporations based in emerging economic systems in the Fortune Global 500 has gone up by more than three times. For case, in the twelvemonth 2008, there were over 70 transnational companies from the emerging markets and the portion of these markets is increasing together with the significance they have in the universe equity markets. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ( 2010 ) points out that at the clip there had been recovery from fiscal crisis of the 1990s ( Asiatic crisis ) â€Å" private capital flows to low and middle-income economic systems more than quadrupled from $ 200 billion in the twelvemonth 2000 to over $ 900 billion in the twelvemonth 2007 † . The fiscal crisis that commenced from the twelvemonth 2007 has emphasized the procedure by indicating out the failings of the fiscal constructions of some developed economic systems and at the same clip indicating out the strengths of the fiscal constructions of the economic systems that are emerging. There will be a state of affairs where there will be a displacement in the economic power but this power will be stronger in the economic systems that are already developed in the current twenty-four hours and these already developed economic systems would travel on portraying their power of being advanced. The stableness in the economic system every bit good as the political stableness the developed economic systems have would convey back growing and this will keep these economic systems at the topmost degree of the value concatenation. These economic systems will travel on being the compositors of the thoughts. And on the other manus, the economic systems that are emerging will travel on following the Western consumerism theoretical account ( Todaro & A ; Smith, 2003 ) . While the theoretical account of Western consumerism goes on ruling globally, those Western economic systems that are smaller would raise the degree of taking portion in the planetary economic system, doing the G grouping larger. These economic systems in the West that are smaller will follow the entrepreneurial spirit and an addition in the political power will help them to emerge above the laterality that is exercised on them by the bigger Western economic systems ( Todaro & A ; Smith, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to Pythes Market Focus ( 2009 ) , the planetary crisis that came up in the recent times was grounds plenty that we are really populating in a globalized economic system. It was a prove that we are populating in an economic system that is interconnected to a degree that changes in the rates ( exchange and involvement ) , the monetary values of stocks every bit good as the monetary values of goods and services have influences in most of the universe. It has been realized that we are really populating in a planetary economic system Pythes Market Focus ( 2009 ) , make an accent that no individual or group of people that are in their right senses can non hold a belief in the benefits that are derived from planetary integrating. These benefits are such benefits as division of labour at an international degree, the moving of inventions at a quicker velocity from one part of the universe to the other, holding freedom of coming up with picks sing the transportation of capital, goo ds and services internationally every bit good as free motion of thoughts from one state to the other in the universe. Pythes Market Focus ( 2009 ) , pose a inquiry about those who support the Laissez-faire philosophy, which is – â€Å" free markets are self-sufficient and market surpluss will rectify themselves provided the authoritiess or regulators do non step in in the market topographic point † ( Page, 2 ) as whether or non they are supposed to be justified. They go farther to present another inquiry refering the issue of whether or non the Laissez-faire philosophy is taken as a failure or non in the bing planetary crisis. There is less or sometimes no support for province intercession on the issues refering the economic system by Laissez-faire doctrine. This doctrine gives support to peculiar types of autonomies that are negative in resistance to the autonomies that are positive like the redistribution of wealth by the state. This resistance by the Laissez-faire doctrine is on the footing of the belief that distribution of wealth facilitates taking off of wealth from those sectors that are much more productive and apportioning them to those sectors that non much productive and this brings about a decrease in productiveness and a diminution in the motive to work ( Peter, 2001 ) . Pythes Market Focus ( 2009 ) present an thought that Laissez-faire goes in front to give an statement that whatever impermanent equality of consequences that are achieved from redistribution would neglect with velocity with no coercion for the ground that persons do possess varied grades of motive every bit good as the native capablenesss and would come up with varied determinations on the footing of the values they have that are different among them. More so Individualistic nowadayss an statement that inequality that is stuff is an indispensable consequence that comes from the freedom to do picks about which actions to prosecute in without enforcing these actions to other people. This turns out to prefer those that are impersonal in respect to the varied competing involvements which groups that seek to hold power ( political ) every bit good as privileges in a state have for any likely intercession that is made by the authorities. The authorities intercessions that is sought from the authorities harmonizing to Pythes Market Focus ( 2009 include â€Å" ordinance, making legal monopolies, viing Torahs, or revenue enhancements, protectionism, maximization of economic public-service corporation † ( Page 2 ) . Pythes Market Focus ( 2009 ) , present a inquiry as to whether or non the planetary economic system is acquiring uncontrolled on an increasing degree due to the absence of the ordinances that are suited. They put it that the deficiency of the ability by the shapers of policies to transport out the enforcement of ordinances that are bing by conveying in those that are more rigorous and even more complex will convey approximately pandemonium and a regulative system that is multi-level and holding much more bureaucratism. This will be at the cost of capital motion and anything else that is positive that consequences from it. Each and every society requires holding some common values that ensures there is keeping together. This end can non be served by the market values entirely for the ground that market values merely makes a contemplation of what a individual participant is ready and willing to offer to another market participant in the class of an exchange. With no uncertainty, there is demand for the society to hold establishments to be put in topographic point to help in recognizing such societal ends as societal justness every bit good ; as political freedom ( Dani, 1996 ) . However, among some states, these societal establishments have been put in topographic point and the large inquiry is why such establishments have non been put in gait in the planetary society. It is true in stating that planetary society development has moved at a really slow gait in comparing to the planetary economic system growing. We are populating in a planetary society that has varied imposts every bit good as traditions and faiths, different categories of people dominated by racism in which even if there are claims of holding regard for human rights, this society still remains to miss flawlessness ( Stiglitz, 2003 ) . Causing what is referred to as â€Å" freer planetary market economic system † turning out to be less free through conveying in more limitations and complex processs is rather â€Å" toxicant † . It is a good determination to set much focal point on what brought about the bing economic crisis. And this cause was deficiency of the ability by the policy shapers to guarantee the enforcement of equal current jurisprudence and non disregarding the jurisprudence by coming up with more statute law that will, in an automatic mode, kill the motion of capital in a free mode.DecisionGlobalization began 100s of old ages ago but the velocity at which this procedure has been traveling has merely increased in the last century and even in this century this velocity is seen to be increasing even more. The international corporations are playing a major function in rushing up the rate at which globalisation is taking topographic point. The planetary crisis that came up in the recent times was clear grounds that we are really populating in a globalized economic system. It was a prove that we are populating in an economic system that is interconnected to a degree that changes in the rates ( exchange and involvement ) , the monetary values of stocks every bit good as the monetary values of goods and services have influences in most of the universe. It has been realized that we are populating in a planetary economic system in which people, goods and capital can travel freely. This besides applies to direct investings every bit good as the fiscal minutess. Globalization of the economic system will still travel on in the hereafter and this will convey about a universe of â€Å" flatter † . The globalisation that is invariably undergoing development will derive form ensuing from the strengths in the diverse markets that is being perceived in the assorted parts of the universe. At the corporate degree, it is expected that there will come up a universe of what is referred to as â€Å" tradesmans † and fresh concern federations and this will come along with those coactions that are greater among the markets, community and among concerns. The support for this cooperation will arise from the support that is traveling to be offered by lifting ordinances in harmonisation. Following this, the planetary concern ‘ hereafter is seen to be more complex.. It is expected that globalisation will no longer be driven by the transnational corporations that have roots in the economic systems that are developed but instead it will every bit good be driven by the international concern organisations that are based in those markets that are emerging. The indexs of the lifting adulthood are clearly being seen in the current yearss on an increasing degree. In the class of the last 10 old ages, the entire figure of the transnational corporations based in emerging economic systems in the Fortune Global 500 has gone up by more than three times. Taking an illustrations, in the twelvemonth 2008, there were over 70 transnational companies from the emerging markets and the portion of these markets is increasing together with the significance they have in the universe equity markets. It has besides been seen that there will be a state of affairs where there will be a displacement in the economic power but this power will be stronger in the economic systems that are already developed in the current twenty-four hours and these already developed economic systems would travel on portraying their power of being advanced. The stableness in the economic system every bit good as the political stableness the developed economic systems have would convey back growing and this will keep these economic systems at the topmost degree of the value concatenation. These economic systems will travel on being the compositors of the thoughts. And on the other manus, the economic systems that are emerging will travel on following the Western consumerism theoretical account.

Monday, July 29, 2019

University of Southern California Summer Programs for High Schoolers

Many high schoolers (and parents!) think that a part-time job is the best way for teenagers to spend their summers. However, summer programs designed specifically for high school students can provide benefits that they can’t get from a traditional part-time job. Summer programs are a great way for high school students to develop their interests and learn more about college and potential career paths. Plus, participating in a summer program can make a student’s application stronger by senior year. Many of these programs are short, usually one or two weeks, and can be done alongside part-time jobs or volunteer opportunities, so teenagers don’t have to choose one over the other. The University of Southern California knows how valuable summer programs can be for high school students, and that’s why we’ve dedicated an entire post to the programs available at USC. You’ll find that many of these programs offer college credit in addition to the benefits we’ll outline below. We’re giving parents a quick look at the USC summer programs to help you figure out which program will work best given your student’s goals and interests. Summer programs for high school students are about more than having fun (although there’s plenty of that too!). One of the main benefits of summer program is that they allow high school students to specialize in an area of interest without the distraction of other schoolwork or constraints. They provide an inside look into an industry that most students wouldn’t be able to get in a traditional class setting, and expand students’ awareness of opportunities in that field. Many summer programs are at colleges and universities, which provide an additional bonus of helping students get a feel for campus life. Not only that, these programs often provide high school students with hard-to-find resources which can be invaluable to them as they prepare to apply to college, such as specialized learning communities or even scholarships. Again, there’s no need to choose between working over the summer and doing a summer program. Colleges like USC offer programs at a variety of lengths, so that you can choose the program that allows your student to balance work and family obligations while pursuing their interests. College admissions officers care about students’ extracurricular activities and often consider them not only for admissions but for awarding merit scholarships. They want to see that students pursued their interests outside of the classroom and took advantage of any resources available to them. Summer programs are more interesting to admissions counselors than other types of extracurriculars because fewer students participate in them, and the experiences can be valuable material for an admission essay. This is especially true when the summer program is held at a top school like USC. Perhaps the greatest advantage of attending a summer program at a college is the chance to connect with current students and faculty. One of our top recommendations for helping students get into their dream school is to connect with students who were successfully admitted to that school, and summer programs make that a much easier process for high school students. By attending a program at USC, high school students get to know current USC students and can get the inside scoop about what it’s really like to get in and attend. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. USC has two different options for summer programs: a 4-week credit program and a 2-week non-credit program. The more common one is the 4-week credit program, where students will earn an elective college credit. However, for students who need more flexibility, USC offers 2-week non-credit programs in some of their popular subjects. All of these programs, credit or non-credit, can strengthen your student’s application and help them refine their career interests. We encourage you to choose the one that best suits your student’s goals. These program costs are all approximate. There may be differences in cost based on whether a student stays on-campus or decides to commute, is a California resident or not, or if there are scholarships available. Students explore a career in architecture during this 4-week program. Students will take field trips to renowned architectural sites, learn the fundamentals of architecture, and get insight into what a compelling architecture portfolio entails. Learn more about the Exploration of Architecture Program . Students delve into entrepreneurship during this 4-week program. Students will have the chance to hear from entrepreneurs, take field trips to meet with ventures and startup firms, and apply their skills to develop their own business. Learn more about the Exploring Entrepreneurship Program . Students learn marketing, operations, and finance during this 4-week program. Students will get an overview of all the major departments in a business, including marketing, finance, ethics, and management. Learn more about the Introduction to Business Program . Students explore prototyping technologies during this 4-week program. Students will learn the fundamentals of 3D design and apply their skills to create their own 3D prototypes. Learn more about the 3D Design and Prototyping Program . Students design, build, and test during hands-on activities in this 4-week program. Students will explore the different engineering disciplines through classroom activities and group projects. Learn more about the Discover Engineering Program . Create your own video game through hands-on activities in this 4-week program. Students will create original games, playtest games in production, and learn about the technology used to design video games. Learn more about the Introduction to Video Game Design Program . Students develop electronic and digital prototypes during hands-on activities in this 4-week program. This unique experience blends engineering and entrepreneurship to help students invent a valuable product. Learn more about the Technology Innovation Experience Program . Students discover approaches to preventing disease in diverse communities worldwide in this 4-week program. This program is perfect for students interested in medicine, public health, anthropology, international relations, international business, law and social justice. Learn more about the Global Health Trends and Challenges Program . Students explore approaches to conflict resolution in this 4-week program. This program is perfect for students interested in diplomacy or understanding why conflicts emerge in the first place. Learn more about the International Relations Program . Students write stories about real people and issues in Los Angeles in this 4-week program. They will get to explore online reporting, blogging, and multimedia technology. Learn more about the News Reporting in the Digital Age Program . Students explore multi-platform sports journalism in this 4-week program. This program combines hands-on learning assignments with field trips and state-of-the-art in-studio production. Learn more about the Sports Journalism: Multi-Platform Storytelling Program . Students explore normal brain development in this 4-week program. They’ll participate in labs to learn about how we think and express ourselves and develop a final course project. Learn more about The Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience Program . Students get to shadow physicians in this 4-week program. Perfect for the student who wants to become a doctor, students will hear from a variety of medical professionals and even learn the basics of suturing. Learn more about the Future Physicians Program . Students explore the field of mental health in this 4-week program. They’ll review case studies, take a field trip to the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine, and develop a final project with their peers. Learn more about the My Mind & Me: Introduction to Mental Health Program . Students delve into the fascinating world of psychology in this 4-week program. They’ll learn about meditation, take personality tests, and go on field trips to various shelters and labs. Learn more about the Psychological Science and Society Program . Students critically examine the criminal justice system in this 4-week program. They will meet with lawyers and activists, attend criminal court proceedings, and explore different career opportunities in criminal justice. Learn more about the    Exploring Criminal Justice Program . Students participate in legal analysis and writing in this 4-week program. They’ll get an inside look into the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and learn how to prepare for law school. Learn more about the Legal Reasoning and Argumentation Program . Students build a strong foundation in acting during this 4-week program. They will learn in a conservatory-style environment from theatre professionals, attend professional theatre productions, and rehearse and perform workshop productions. Learn more about the Acting Intensive Program . Students work with comedy professionals in this 4-week program. They will participate in a conservatory-style environment with a strong emphasis on improv, sketch, standup, and industry-focused master classes. Learn more about the Comedy Performance Program . Students will enhance their ability to bring a story to life in this 4-week program. They’ll participate in acting, singing, and dance classes and take field trips to see professional theatre in Los Angeles. Learn more about the Musical Theatre Program . Students will experience the collaborative environment of a writing workshop. They will learn about the variety of creative writing formats, including poetry, short stories, and nonfiction, and even work on developing a compelling admissions essay. Learn more about the Creative Writing Workshop Program . Students explore pressing moral questions in this 4-week program. They will learn university-level argumentation and critical thinking, participate in respectful debates, and hear from leaders in business and technology. Learn more about the Ethics in the 21st Century: Business, Politics, & Technology Program . Students explore a career in architecture in this 2-week program. Students will learn the fundamentals of architecture and get insight into what a compelling architecture portfolio includes concurrently with the 4-week credit program. Learn more about the Exploration of Architecture 2-Week Program . Students receive an introduction to kinesiology and movement science in this 2-week program. They learn about career options in kinesiology, hear from experts in the field and participate in labs to deepen their understanding. Learn more about the Kinesiology 2-Week Program . As you can see, there are plenty of opportunities for students to learn more about different industries and experience college firsthand. If your student missed a deadline, you can always plan for next summer. In the meantime, there are plenty of other activities that students can participate in over the summer to stay engaged, including getting involved in community organizations, volunteer service, and working. You can find more ideas for giving your student a productive summer in our post Summer Activities to Strengthen your College Applications . It can be hard to find summer programs that will interest your student and work for both your schedules. That’s why ’s Mentorship Program helps students identify activities to refine their interests and strengthen their portfolios. Find out if our Mentorship Program is right for you!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

JetFan technology Limited. Individual Strategic Business Planning Essay

JetFan technology Limited. Individual Strategic Business Planning portfolio - Essay Example This seems to be quite correct for the business plan as the start up costs and further expenses would be shared among the owners. Furthermore, the responsibilities and work will get further attention from other owners leading to an appropriate planning and focused implementation of the same. Adding to it, the business risks would also be shared among the partners leading to less probability of default for the organisation. JetFan is quite new to this compact electronic equipment cooling segment, which demands it to make enough alliances with the prominent fan manufacturers operating in this segment. Additional contacts and complementary skills of each partner in a work environment of motivation and mutual support can be used to successfully explore this new segment of compact electronic cooling equipments. In ‘company structure and ownership’ a good deal of information has been provided on the shareholders of this company. Overall it seems that, the business plan include s the type of business; however, it fails to identify the legal term attached with it. Product The organisation is looking forward to commercialize the impeller in the compact cooling electronics segment. The JetFan impellers would be smaller and more efficient than their conventional counterparts. The products would be offering enhanced efficiency than the existing impellers at the same cost as that of the rest. The market application of the product would be in cooling, heating, extraction/ventilation. JetFan Ltd has come up with several prototypes including hand dryers and hair dryers, ceiling fans, vacuum cleaners, fiber optical light source cooling and significant market of compact electronic equipment cooling which also includes portable computers chip set cooling instruments. In this business plan, a description of the product has been included. Although, it does not consist much of technicalities, the significant attributes for the customers and its offering in different segments have been mentioned. Type of Opportunity JetFan has been into the commercialization of its impellers to the compact electronics cooling market. The opportunity is expansion towards commercialization of the products. JetFan Ltd now wants its JetFan technology to enter into different segments of electrical and electronics equipments. The opportunity type is not clearly defined; however, a glimpse of the same has been provided throughout the plan. Promise to be Successful: The Product is Unique The promise of JetFan’s success lies behind the problems faced through the traditional fan impellers. In this specific business plan, the author has rightly identified the issues with the

The Importance of Ethical Conduct and Professional Responsibility Essay

The Importance of Ethical Conduct and Professional Responsibility (criminal justice system) - Essay Example To understand the importance of ethical conduct and professional responsibility, the staff of the criminal justice system must first acquaint themselves with the relevant Codes of Ethics and Professional Responsibility. These codes are useful in enabling employees to aspire to the required level of ethical and professional conduct. Second, being ethically and professionally responsible helps criminal justice personnel to strive for excellence both at the personal and professional levels. To achieve high ethical and professional levels of performance, it is imperative that the criminal justice system’s personnel identify all the causes of professional and ethical misconducts, which are rather numerous considering the apparent diversity in the system’s clientele and tasks (Pollock, 2011). The main reason criminal justice personnel have lagged behind in achieving and maintaining high ethical and professional levels include failure to achieve high levels of competency through further education, work experience, and training. Since some employees do not seek continued education and training implies they are not abreast with the latest ethical and professional developments in the system. This lack of improved competency translates into reduced prompt, less efficient, unethical, and unprofessional performance by criminal justice personnel. Low levels of personal and professional integrity have also been cited as causes of professional and ethical misconducts in the criminal justice system (Pollock, 2011). ... criminal justice system’s personnel identify all the causes of professional and ethical misconducts, which are rather numerous considering the apparent diversity in the system’s clientele and tasks (Pollock, 2011). The main reason criminal justice personnel have lagged behind in achieving and maintaining high ethical and professional levels include failure to achieve high levels of competency through further education, work experience, and training. Since some employees do not seek continued education and training implies they are not abreast with the latest ethical and professional developments in the system. This lack of improved competency translates into reduced prompt, less efficient, unethical, and unprofessional performance by criminal justice personnel. Low levels of personal and professional integrity have also been cited as causes of professional and ethical misconducts in the criminal justice system (Pollock, 2011). What is more, failure to observe and mainta in the legality of professional competence and knowledge and ignorance of the available advice or assistance are the other common causes of professional and ethical misconduct in the criminal justice system. Similarly, some professionals’ personal life failures have impinged on their professional abilities and jeopardized their professionalism. The other causes of unprofessionalism, though to a slight extent, are poor communication, addiction to substance such as alcohol, failure to address client concerns, and excessive demands at work such as inappropriate work practices, poor mentoring and supervision (Pollock, 2011). Finally, personality conflicts and complacency towards professional standards have also had negative effects on professionalism since they escalate unethical behaviors. Addressing

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Psychology (William James's basic idea) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Psychology (William James's basic idea) - Essay Example Certain sequences of pure experiences constitute physical objects, and others constitute persons; but one pure experience (say the perception of a chair) may be part both of the sequence constituting the chair and of the sequence constituting a person. Indeed, one pure experience might be part of two distinct minds, as James explains in a chapter entitled "How Two Minds Can Know One Thing." Simplifying and to a large extent over-ruling James's ideas came Sigmund Freud and his concept of psychoanalysis. Freud based his notions of the unconscious mind as a reservoir for repressed memories of traumatic events that continuously influence conscious thought and behaviour. Freud divided the state of mental activity to exist at three levels: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. He considered Id as the centre of our primitive instincts; something that caters to the business of gratifying our desires and pleasures. To Freud, the new-born infant is the personification of the Id and the Ego develops out of the Id as the child grows. The Ego acts as censor to the Id, checking the primitive desires for immediate gratification, and conflicts between the Id and the Ego can result in a person having neuroses. ... Related to these questionable assumptions of psychoanalysis are two equally questionable methods of investigating the alleged memories hidden in the unconscious: free association and the interpretation of dreams. If Freud said that the goal of therapy was to make the unconscious conscious, a younger colleague of his, Carl Jung, was to make the exploration of this "inner space". For Jung, an empirical investigation of the realms of dream, myth, personality and soul represented the manner to understand the "inner space" of the human psyche. He regarded the encounter between the individual and the unconscious as the most important facet of this process. Jung held that human beings experience the unconscious through symbols encountered in all aspects of life: in dreams, art, religion, and the symbolic dramas we enact in our relationships and our day to day life. Essential to the encounter with the unconscious, and the reconciliation of the individual's consciousness with this broader world, is learning this symbolic language. Jung believed that only through attention and unprejudiced, flexible powers of thinking can the individual be able to harmonise his life with what he called as the "archetyp al forces". To undergo the individuation process, the individual must be open to the parts of oneself beyond one's own ego. The modern individual must pay attention to dreams, explore the world of religion and spirituality, and question the assumptions of the operant societal worldview. Alfred Adler examined human personality around the same time as Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. They worked on some theories together until Adler rejected Freud's emphasis on sex, and maintained that personality difficulties are rooted in a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Issues in Global Business Burberry 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Issues in Global Business Burberry 2012 - Essay Example Small portion of the study discusses the impact of Profit before Tax on strategic buyback decision of Burberry. The company needs to expand their global franchise operation in order to decrease value chain cost. The study will focus on globalization strategy of Burberry Group plc in terms of retail distribution network. Report shows that direct control strategy of the company will help them to push total market capitalization in near future. Hybrid matrix structure of Procter and Gamble has been recommended for future growth Burberry Group. Hybrid matrix diagram will help the company to set up strategic business units in Asia and Latin America. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Case Statement 4 Strategy Analysis 5 Financial Perspective 5 Leverage Control 6 International Growth Strategy 8 SWOT Analysis 8 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 9 Strategic Theme 11 Conclusion 11 Recommendation 12 Reference 14 Burberry Burberry Group plc is a renowned global luxury brand. The company i s headquartered at London, England. Burberry Group plc was established by Thomas Burberry in the year 1856. The brand specializes in offering apparel and leather goods. Burberry Group plc offers products through diversified distribution network complemented by retail channel, wholesale, licensing channel and digital platform. The company has achieved a total revenue growth of 7% in the year 2011. Burberry has created a digital platform named as â€Å"Burberry World Live† in order to enhance their web visibility. Intraday market capitalization of the London based company is $5.3 billion while they maintain a profit margin of 12.1 % on category sales (Yahoo Finance, 2012). Case Statement Burberry Group plc has recently announced that they will directly operate in beauty and fragrance category. The company has no plan to continue license relationship with their partner Interparfums SA. Fragrance and beauty has been categorized as fifth product division for Burberry Group. The ot her four categories are accessories, women apparel, men apparel and children apparel. Angela Ahrendts (Chief Executive Officer of Burberry Group plc) has stated that they took the decision of direct control in order to achieve greater control over product portfolio of fragrance and beauty category. The CEO believes that the company has significant opportunities to drive growth from fragrance and beauty products and the move will also leverage infrastructure & upward integration of value chain. Direct operation of the company for fragrance and beauty categories will start from 1 April 2013. Burberry Group took the decision for following strategic objectives. Achieving greater brand control Increase penetration in opening price point categories The company will pay all total Euro 181 million for ending license relationship and ?71m of total amount will be used for recognising exceptional items The London based company will earn a adjusted profit before tax or PBT in financial year 201 3/14 and from FY 2014/15 the PBT will accelerate Retail and wholesale contribute 90% of total business for the company hence they will design diversified retail channels for their fifth product category (Burberry Group plc, 2012) Strategy Analysis Burberry has purchased the perfumes selling license from Interparfums SA by paying ?142m. Stock analysts believe that the company is pushing harder in the perfume and cosmetic segment in order to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case Brief Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Brief Analysis - Essay Example Moreover, the defendant had dozed off several times before they stopped for drinks and food. The case was first heard by the District court and upon the outcome of this court the plaintiff appealed to the Court of Appeal. The law provides that an operator of a motor vehicle is guilty of ordinary negligence if he permits himself to fall asleep while driving. An individual is also guilty if he continues to drive without taking reasonable precautions against sleeping after symptoms of drowsiness or fatigue. The lower court found that the defendant was not liable for negligence because he did not have any warning that he was going to fall asleep while on the wheel. However, upon appeal, the appellate court found that the lower court had erred in applying the law to the evidence. The lower court found that although the defendant had been drinking, there was no evidence that he was unable to control the Jeep. The court observed that dozing as a passenger does not mean an individual will be unable to control a car when charged with the responsibility. The court was convinced that the defendant had acted in the same manner an ordinary man of average prudence would have acted. The appellate court, however, noted that there was ample warning to the defendant that he might fall asleep. The court observed that the defendant was drowsy before taking the wheel and did not take any precaution to arouse himself before taking the wheel. Accordingly, the court noted that the occurrence could not be unexpected in the absence of a precaution to prevent it. In a civil lawsuit the parents would sue the driver of the school bus and Ridgeview elementary school. The legal basis for suing the driver of the bus would be negligence. The legal basis for suing the school, on the other hand, would be because as an employer they are vicariously liable for the acts of its employee in the course of employment. Such a lawsuit can be brought in a Federal court

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dangers of wooden trusses to firefighters Research Paper

Dangers of wooden trusses to firefighters - Research Paper Example Fire-fighters risk their lives when putting off fires in buildings that have wooden trusses. This paper will discuss the dangers of wooden trusses to fire fighters. The paper will explore the various risks involved in putting off fires in buildings that have wooden trusses. The dangers of wooden trusses to fire-fighters There are a number of dangers that wooden trusses pose to fire-fighters; these dangers may be  experienced when the fire-fighters make attempts to put-off large fires. A notable danger that wooden trusses pose to fire-fighters is that they can trap the fire-fighters. In such cases, the fire-fighters find it difficult to leave the building. As a result, a rescue operation has to be initiated in order to find the fire-fighters and save them from the building where they may be trapped. Fire-fighters who manage to escape from a building that collapses may suffer numerous injuries, which may last for a lifetime or lead to significant impairment (Pollio, 2012). It is wort h noting that wooden trusses may not pose any risks to the people who occupy buildings. However, these trusses exhibit some form of weakness when there is fire, and they become extremely weak. When there is fire, there tends to be high temperatures that may cause damages to the truss (Pollio, 2012). Since the trusses are held together using fasteners, the high temperatures may weaken the fasteners, thus leading to the failure of the entire truss that may be damaged by the weight of the building. The trusses may fall on the fire-fighters while in their attempts to put off the fire (Dunn, 2010). Some of the features of wooden trusses raise critical concerns regarding the safety of fire-fighters. Wooden trusses tend to expose much of their surface to fire as compared to trusses made of metal. Since the wooden trusses comprise of less mass, there is a possibility that fire will consume them quickly. Moreover, wooden trusses also lose their capacity to carry loads whenever there is a fir e. This also affects the metal plates that may be holding the trusses together. Therefore, wooden trusses can easily collapse when there is a fire, thus putting the lives of fire-fighters at risk. Wooden trusses also pose immense dangers to fire-fighters since they spread fire a fast rate. When one wooden truss catches fire, there is a high probability that the fire will spread to the other trusses very fast. Thus, the spread of fire in the entire building will also be extremely fast, which means that fire-fighters may lose their lives while putting off fires (Brannigan & Corbett, 2007). The future of the materials used or change in fire-fighting tactics In the future, there should be a change in the materials used in constructing

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Hate Crimes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hate Crimes - Research Paper Example t acts against other individuals have always been prevalent in society throughout history, the socially-constructed notion of referring to this as hate crimes is a fairly new notion (McPhail and DiNitto, 2005). This paper will discuss hate crimes in general and place an emphasis on why it seems like hate crimes are on the rise. It is undoubtedly true that hate crimes are reported in the news more frequently than in the past. A good example of this is a comparison of the number of newspaper coverage given. In the 1980s, over the course of 8 years, the Washington Post published 49 articles on hate crimes. In comparison, in the 1990s, there were 1,100articles published on hate crime in 8 years (Nolan et al, 2002).one main reason for this is possibly due to the ‘Hate Crimes Statistics Act’ which was passed in 1990 (Nolan et al,2002). 5) There appears to be no relationship between hate crimes and index crimes. Index crimes refer to the eight criminal acts that are used by the FBI to predict the amount of crime in the USA. These include murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny-theft, vehicle theft and arson (Nolan et al, 2002). To make the decision as to whether a crime should be treated as a hate crime, the police follow a two step approach (FBI, 1999 from Macmahon et al, 2004). The officer who is first on the scene decided whether there is any evidence the offender’s motivation was bias. In the second step, a trained officer makes a solid decision as to whether the incident is in fact a hate crime using a set of criteria. These criteria are all victim-orientated and are ‘membership in the targeted group, active role or advocacy in community group, representation of victim’s group in the community, previous record of victimization, or the victim’s visitation to a high-tension community’ (Macmahon et al,2004). Four other criteria that are usually used that are offender based include ‘the presence of comments, gestures, or written

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in India Essay Example for Free

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in India Essay 1. Company Background †¢ Coke – A sweet carbonated drink containing caramel and other flavoring components †¢ Invented in 1886 by Dr. J.S. Pemberton †¢ Contained extracts of Coca leaves and Kola nuts †¢ Business sold in 1888 to business men †¢ Candler acquired competitors and promoted Coca-Cola → Rapid sales increase since 1895 †¢ In 1894 J.A. Biedenharn invented selling the prepared drink in bottles 2. Company Background (continued)†¢ In 1919 a group of investors bought Coca Cola for around $25 million†¢ Robert Woodruff turned the company into what it is now:†¢ One of the worlds most recognized brands and a MNE with huge profits†¢ 1993, Coca Cola entered India through a strategic alliance with Parle Exports †¢ By now, it offers a portfolio of world class quality beverages, extending through over 400 brands 3. SWOT Analysis Strenghts†¢ Strong brand-name†¢ Global distribution system†¢ High-profile global presence†¢ Low cost of operation†¢ Broad-based bottling strategy†¢ High market share 4. SWOT Analysis Strenghts Weaknesses†¢ Strong brand-name †¢ Carbonates market is in decline†¢ Global distribution system †¢ Existing distribution system is less efficient for non-carbonates†¢ High-profile global presence †¢ Health care issues†¢ Low cost of operation†¢ Broad-based bottling strategy†¢ High market share 5. SWOT Analysis Strenghts Weaknesses †¢ Strong brand-name †¢ Carbonates market is in decline†¢ Global distribution system †¢ Existing distribution system is less efficient for non-carbonates†¢ High-profile global presence †¢ Health care issues†¢ Low cost of operation†¢ Broad-based bottling strategy†¢ High market shareOpportunities†¢ Expansion†¢ Use distribution strengths†¢ Large domestic market (India)†¢ Increasing average income in India 6. SWOT Analysis Strenghts Weaknesses†¢ Strong brand-name †¢ Carbonates market is in decline†¢ Global distribution system †¢ Existing distribution system is less efficient for non-carbonates†¢ High-profile global presence †¢ Health care issues†¢ Low cost of operation†¢ Broad-based bottling strategy†¢ High market share ThreatsOpportunities †¢ Competition from health drinks†¢ Expansion †¢ Competition from Pepsi†¢ Use distribution strengths †¢ Boycott in the Middle-East†¢ Large domestic market (India) †¢ Government regulations on Increasing average income in India production (license)†¢ 7. Coca-Cola India CSR Initiatives Focus on Environment Responsibility 8. WaterMethods†¢ Watershed Protection Community Watershed Partnership (CWP) (2005)†¢ Rainwater Harvesting Projects Kaladera plant in Rajasthan (2006) †¢ Educating Jal Tarang (a part of World Water Day) (2007) â€Å"Think Green, Go Green† Campaign (2007) Film (2007) 9. Water (continued)Achievements1. Reduced water consumption by 35% between 1999 to 20061. Reached zero water balance (2009)1. Returned all water in manufacturing processes (2010)2. Improved the livelihoods of Bottom of the Pyramid populations (BOP) (poor farmers) 10. WaterGoal: Reduce the emission of GHGs (especially HFCs and CO2) Methods 1. eKOfreshment Cooler Program (2000) 1. Converted old equipment to HFC-free fridges (2006) 2. Installed over 8500 units of HFC-free equipment (2007) 3. esKO Project (2007) 4. Enhanced energy efficiency 5. Developed Energy Management System (EMS) (2006) 11. Energy New Coke: Isdell wants to reduce Coca-Colas carbon footprint. E. Neville Isdell, CEO 12. Energy (continued)Achievements 1. GHGs emission reduces by 75% (2006) 2. Reduced energy consumption by 640 million kilowatt-hours, which equals to 3 million metric tons 3. Increased the energy efficiency of equipment by 40 to 50% 13. FuelCoca-Cola had local operations for production, bottling, and delivery in each country of operation. Take Taiwan for example: SWIRE Coca-Cola Taiwan LTD. and its factories are in No.46, Singbang RD., Taoyuan County. 14. Packaging + Recycling †¢ Focus on 3R (Reduction, Recovery, Reuse) †¢ PET Recycling Project in Mumbai (2005) †¢ â€Å"Abhiyan – The Movement†, a film on PET recycling Methods †¢ e3 Program †¢ Redesigned trademarked bottles †¢ Invested millions of dollars on collecting and recovering packaging materials used for beverages 15. Packaging + Recycling (continued)Achievements 1. Raised the income of about 100 PET crusaders by 50% 1. Recycled nearly 80% of the PET waste (2006) 2. Redesigning of bottles saved 89000 metric tons of glass (2006) 3. Most of the packaging material was 100% recyclable 16. Depletion of Water Table Coca-Cola India depleted groundwater tables and overexploited the groundwater reserves, leaving the local communities with no access to drinking water and water for farming which was their primary source of income! 17. Depletion of Water Table (continued)Data collected by the government agency the Ground WaterBoard showed that groundwater level had dropped in the firsts even years of the company‟s operation. †¢ A sharp drop in groundwater levels in Mehdiganj near the city of Varanasi. †¢ Groundwater levels in Kala Dera have continued spiraling downwards. 18. Depletion of Water Table (continued) One report, in the daily newspaper Mathrubhumi, described local women having to travel five kilometers to obtain drinkable water, during which time soft drinks would come out of the Coca-Cola plant by the truckload. 19. Depletion of Water Table (continued) â€Å"Coca-Cola sucks India dry.† 20. Supplied Sludge to Farmersas Fertilizer Coca-Cola had seized land from farmers and discharged hazardous material and sludge in the areas surrounding its plants in India. In a goodwill gesture, Coca-Cola was distributing the solid waste from its bottling plants to farmers in the area as fertilizer!! 21. Supplied Sludge to Farmersas Fertilizer (continued) The Central Pollution Control Board of India found in 2003 that sludge from Coca-Cola‟s Uttar Pradesh factory in Mehdiganj was contaminated with high levels of cadmium (up to 86mg/kg), lead (up to 538mg/kg), and chromium (up to 134mg/kg), effectively making the solid waste toxic. 22. Supplied Sludge to Farmers as Fertilizer (continued)Cadmium is a Lead iscarcinogen particularly and can dangerous to children and the accumulate in results of the kidneys, exposure can be with repeated fatal. Even at low exposure levels it can possibly cause mentalcausing retardation and kidney failure. severe anaemia. 23. Supplied Sludge to Farmers as Fertilizer (continued)When confronted by BBC reporters†¦ â€Å"Its good for the farmers because most of them are poor.† Coca-Colas Vice-President 24. Supplied Sludge to Farmers as Fertilizer (continued)When confronted by BBC reporters†¦ â€Å"Its good for the farmers because most of them are poor.† The Coca-Cola company was ordered to stop the practice by the government Coca-Colas Vice-President authorities immediately. 25. Supplied Sludge to Farmers as Fertilizer (continued) The bottling facilities at Kala Dera also reported that the groundwater contained pesticides. 26. Liquid waste from the Coca-Cola bottling plant at Balia 27. Banner at Coca-Cola Museum Major Protest Demands Coca-Cola Shut Down Plant March 31, 2008. 28. Coca-Cola India’s Response Coca-Cola India’s response to the allegations 29. Coca-Cola India’s Response Coca-Cola India’s response to the allegations Overexploitation of the groundwater reserves Study by National Geophysical Research Institute disapproved these allegations Decreased rainfall by 60% was the cause 30. Coca-Cola India’s Response Coca-Cola India’s response to the allegations Overexploitation of the groundwater reserves Study by National Geophysical Research Institute disapproved these allegations Decreased rainfall by 60% was the cause Release of untreated water by the factory Wastewater management technology is among the most advanced in the world 31. Coca-Cola India’s Response Coca-Cola India’s response to the allegations Overexploitation of the groundwater reserves Study by National Geophysical Research Institute disapproved these allegations Decreased rainfall by 60% was the cause Release of untreated water by the factory Wastewater management technology is among the most advanced in the world Supplied sludge to farmers as fertilizer Sludge is not harmful to the environment 32. AnalysisOf Coca-Cola India’s ResponseCoca Cola was attacked by different institutions 33. AnalysisOf Coca-Cola India’s ResponseCoca Cola was attacked by different institutions Coca Cola had to face image problems in the Indian and American market Consumers would lose trust in the company Loss of reputation as a socially responsible corporate citizen 34. AnalysisOf Coca-Cola India’s ResponseCoca Cola was attacked by different institutions Coca Cola had to face image problems in the Indian and American market Consumers would lose trust in the company Loss of reputation as a socially responsible corporate citizen Coca Cola’s plan: Attack credibility Refuting the allegations and calling them baseless Aggressively stressing their innocence hoping to resolve the issues 35. AnalysisOf Coca-Cola India’s ResponseCoca Cola was attacked by different institutions Coca Cola had to face image problems in the Indian and American market Consumers would lose trust in the company Loss of reputation as a socially responsible corporate citizen Coca Cola’s plan: Attack credibility Refuting the allegations and calling them baseless Aggressively stressing their innocence hoping to resolve the issues Problem: NGOs are very powerful! NGOs have higher credibility in the eyes of the general public 36. AnalysisOf Coca-Cola India’s ResponseCoca Cola was attacked by different institutions Coca Cola had to face image problems in the Indian and American market Consumers would lose trust in the company Loss of reputation as a socially responsible corporate citizen Coca Cola’s plan: Attack credibility Refuting the allegations and calling them baseless Aggressively stressing their innocence hoping to resolve the issues Problem: NGOs are very powerful! NGOs have higher credibility in the eyes of the general public Mistake Acting to fast by attacking and underestimating NGOs power 37. How Coca-Cola India should have respondedThinking and analyzing alternatives 38. How Coca-Cola India should have respondedThinking and analyzing alternatives Alternative 1: Collaboration instead of attack Coca Cola should have collaborated with the NGOs 39. How Coca-Cola India should have respondedThinking and analyzing alternatives Alternative 1: Collaboration instead of attack Coca Cola should have collaborated with the NGOs Alternative 2: Ignore Ignore the allegations and wait till the buzz goes away 40. How Coca-Cola India should have respondedThinking and analyzing alternatives Alternative 1: Collaboration instead of attack Coca Cola should have collaborated with the NGOs Alternative 2: Ignore Ignore the allegations and wait till the buzz goes away Alternative 3: PR Campaign A PR campaign that informs the American public about Coca Cola‟s efforts as responsible corporate citizen 41. How Coca-Cola India should have respondedThinking and analyzing alternatives Alternative 1: Collaboration instead of attack Coca Cola should have collaborated with the NGOs Alternative 2: Ignore Ignore the allegations and wait till the buzz goes away Alternative 3: PR Campaign A PR campaign that informs the American public about Coca Cola‟s efforts as responsible corporate citizen 42. The Plan Solution: Collaboration with NGO and PR Campaign Goal Regain trust and loyalty of customerCapabilities needed Coca Cola and NGO have to collaborateActions NGO has to correct their mistakes publicly NGO has to issue an apology to Coca Cola 43. The Plan Solution: Collaboration with NGO and PR Campaign Goal Rebuild and repair Goal the Coca Cola Regain trust brand name and loyalty of customer Capabilities needed A PR team which will planCapabilities needed and lead the campaign Coca Cola and NGO have to collaborate Actions Organize promotional activitiesActions (including charity work) NGO has to correct their mistakes publicly Hand out free drinks, coupons, vouchers at public events NGO has to issue an apology to Broadcast TV advertisements which Coca Cola show the good side of the company 44. The Plan Solution: Collaboration with NGO and PR Campaign Goal Rebuild and repair Goal the Coca Cola Regain trust brand name and loyalty of customer Capabilities needed A PR team which will planCapabilities needed and lead the campaign Coca Cola and NGO have to collaborate Actions Organize promotional activitiesActions (including charity work) NGO has to correct their mistakes publicly Hand out free drinks, coupons, vouchers at public events NGO has to issue an apology to Broadcast TV advertisements which Coca Cola show the good side of the company 45. What is Greenwashing? â€Å"Coca-Cola attempts to manufacture a green image of itself that it clearly is not, as their practice in India shows. We call this „Greenwashing.‟ † Amit Srivastava 46. Examples of Greenwashing †¢ In 2009, European McDonald’s changed the color of their logos from yellow and red to yellow and green to demonstrate its concern for â€Å"being green.† 47. Examples of Greenwashing †¢ In 2009, European McDonald’s changed the color of their logos from yellow and red to yellow and green to demonstrate its concern for â€Å"being green.† †¢ Comcast, a cable service company, has the slogan of Paper LESS is MORE but it uses large amounts of paper for direct marketing. 48. Examples of Greenwashing †¢ In 2009, European McDonald’s changed the color of their logos from yellow and red to yellow and green to demonstrate its concern for â€Å"being green.† †¢ Comcast, a cable service company, has the slogan of Paper LESS is MORE but it uses large amounts of paper for direct marketing. †¢ The Poland Spring’s bottles is touted as A little natural does a lot of good, although 80% of its beverage containers go to the landfill. 49. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ 50. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ We have implemented many environmental protective initiatives since 2000! 51. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ We have implemented many environmental Those are not enough protective initiatives even to make up for the since 2000! pollution you‟ve made in India! 52. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ We voluntarily initiated The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) to conduct a survey on ourselves! And the survey shows we‟re doing well! 53. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ We voluntarily initiated The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) to conduct a survey on ourselves! And the survey shows we‟re doing well! The reliability of the survey is questionable! 54. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ Weve invested US$20million for our water conservation project! 55. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ That‟s just 1 percent of Weve invested Coca Cola‟s annual US$20million for our water advertising budget! conservation project! 56. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ Weve built a lot of rain harvesting sites since 2006 to recharge ground water! 57. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ Weve built a lot of rain harvesting sites since That‟s nothing special. Rain 2006 to recharge harvesting has already ground water! been a common practice in India. 58. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ Weve won many awards for our CSR(Corporation Social Responsibility) initiatives! 59. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?Coca Cola is not Greenwashing Coca Cola is Green washing because†¦ because†¦ Weve won many awards for our CSR(Corporation Conferment of awards may Social Responsibility) not be objective. It can be initiatives! manipulated! 60. Is Coca Cola Greenwashing?2000 2007†¢ Coca-Cola India launched an eKOfreshment cooler that used Coca-Cola India launched a rooftop rainwater harvesting technologies to helped it curb its emission of GHGs initiative at Varanasi, expecting to recharge more than (greenhouse gases) 4,900 cubic meters of groundwater.2005 Coca-Cola India launched oa rainwater harvesting project†¢ Coca-Cola India initiated a PET recycling project in Mumbai. at Greater Kailash, in New Delhi, which aimed to recharge around 4 million liters of water every year.2006 Coca-Cola India establishment 10 rainwater harvesting †¢ In 2006, the company completed a rainwater recharge projects in different schools of Jamshedpur city. initiative at its Kaladera plant in Rajasthan. As part of the Coca Cola announced a three-year, US$ 20 million project, the company built around 110 recharge shafts that partnership with the World Wildlife Fund63 (WWF) on collected rainwater. water conservation†¢ Coca-Cola India called, ‘Abhiyan — The Movement’. The film Coca-Cola India organized a program, â€Å"Think Green, Go focused on the need for and significance of recycling PET Green† that focused on environment education. bottles. 2008 †¢ By the end of 2006, Coca-Cola India had established PET The Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd (Coca-Cola recycling projects at over 100 locations in India and built a India), was awarded the Golden Peacock award4 for capacity to collect and recycle nearly 80 percent of the waste Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the several generated from the PET. community initiatives it had taken and its efforts toward†¢ Coca-Cola started an initiative called e3 to redesign its conservation of water. trademarked bottle, saving 89,000 metric tons of glass in 2006 at a global level. Most of the packaging material used by Coca- Cola India becomes 100 percent recyclable.†¢ Coco Cola developed an Energy Management System (EMS) that curbed energy consumption by 35 percent. †¢ Coca Cola launched an initiative called Project esKO, which aimed to reduce Coca-Cola’s carbon footprint at a global level by improving its driving and manufacturing operation to curb its carbon dioxide emissions by 10,000 metric tons every year. 61. ConclusionSo, is Coca Cola seriously doing something to fulfill its social responsibility? 62. ConclusionSo, is Coca Cola seriously doing something to fulfill its social responsibility? Yes, but not enough! 63. Summary †¢ Focus on Environmental Responsibilities †¢ Several initiatives concerning water, energy, fuel, and packaging and recycling †¢ Although, they attracted criticism †¢ Coca Cola responded to the critics Conclusion: Coca Cola is doing something to fulfill its social responsibility, but not enough! 64. Summary (continued)Obstructionist Defensive Accommodative Proactive approach approach approach approachLow social responsibility Social responsibility High social responsibility 65. Summary (continued)Obstructionist Defensive Accommodative Proactive approach approach approach approachLow social responsibility Social responsibility High social responsibility 66. Summary (continued)Obstructionist Defensive Accommodative Proactive approach approach approach approachLow social responsibility Social responsibility High social responsibility 67. Thank you for listening! Questions?

Monday, July 22, 2019

Political Diversity as Manifested in the Jesse Jackson Presidential Bids Essay Example for Free

Political Diversity as Manifested in the Jesse Jackson Presidential Bids Essay Baptist Minister turned Illinois second district congressman Jesse Jackson made two attempts to become the Democratic Party nominee in 1984 and 1988. In the 1988 bid for the White House, Jackson was defeated by Senator Michael Dukakis for the Democratic nomination but not after showing strong in initial state nominating conventions. Jackson then capitalized his racial (black) circumstance and challenged political personalities and organizational corporations (Steele A19). Despite Jackson’s strong impact to the country and American people during that time, his candidacy was expectedly marred with controversies. In fact, if he pursued his bid around that period, Jackson would have been prevented from being a political leader or worst, ended up not winning at all. The reason behind this is what Walton wrote as the Critical Election Theory wherein Jackson’s efforts to be the first Black U. S. President were questioned. Based from the presupposition of the said theory, his position that it was time for blacks to have their ways into the Democratic Party nomination and eventually the White House was evaluated in a manner that it would hurt Jackson more apparently due to his egotistical endeavors (Walton 49). However, the political arena has changed for the past two decades. As Barker wrote, the concern and uncertainty brought by the emergence of the black power and an increased awareness on the need for change created another level of enthusiasm for people to support now the black bids in the likes of Jackson and now with Barack Obama (Barker 3). Had Jackson made the bid this year or if he was the Democratic Party candidate against Sen. John McCain, he could have won the presidency just like Obama. The situation that catapulted Obama to the White House could have also been smartly utilized by Jackson to kick out the incumbent Republican President George Bush. If Jesse Jackson was the Democratic Party nominee for the 2008 elections, he could have handily beaten McCain just as well. Like Obama, Jackson possesses the charms and eloquence which convinced Americans to go for change change in their perception of politics, change in their views on racial discrimination, change to accept a new brand of leadership and change for a better and different United States of America. Obama was simply lucky that a confluence of events conspired to generate a feeling of anger and disgust in the hearts and minds of the American people on the mess created by President Bush who was perceived as insensitive and stubborn. Add to it McCains image of being conservative just like Bush. And both gentlemen were devastated by hurricane â€Å"Change† of Obama that in the process swept the Chicago first term congressman to the worlds most powerful post. Jesse Jackson should, in fact, be credited for paving the way for â€Å"non-whites† to be accepted by the Americans on the national scale. Yes, a lot of Black Americans, Asian Americans and European Americans, among others, won elective positions in several states but only few managed to be recognized as serious contenders for the United States presidency. With Obamas victory, it wont be difficult anymore for â€Å"colored† Americans to vie or the White House. America has truly matured into becoming the worlds melting pot of diverse cultures. Gone are the days that the whites dominate just practically all facets of American life. So when Jesse Jackson introduced himself as a Black presidential contender, it was just a matter of time before America installs a colored man or woman as their president. And just like Jackson, Barack Obama, despite his being a neophyte in politics, came at the right time when America was absolutely ready for change.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

International Civil Aviation Organisation Icao Engineering Essay

International Civil Aviation Organisation Icao Engineering Essay The term aviation means the art or science of flying. In the earlier centuries, developments in the field of aviation technology were minimal. In fact, after the 1900s, the developments in aviation technology took a new turn and dimension. As a result of this, each new phase in aviation development was rather short-lived as inventions lined up rapidly and created newer phases. In India, the aviation industry is rapidly growing with the private airlines owning more than 75 percent of the domestic market. Aviation Laws A conference was held at Chicago (Chicago Convention) in 1944 with 54 nations participating in it. The main objective of this conference was to make arrangements for the immediate establishment of provisional world air routes. This convention established the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), a specialised agency of the United Nations charged with coordinating and regulating international air travel. Due to the nature of travel, an aviation law is considered as a matter of international law. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules the applied aspects of the flight. Whereas in the international domain it is the ICAO that provides general rules regarding the aviation law. The basic principles of the international air law are: Territorial sovereignty: Every State has the right to permit or deny entry into its territory. It also has the rights to control all the movements within the territory. National airspace: The territory of a sovereign State is three dimensional. It includes the airspace above its national lands, its internal and territorial waters. Freedom of the seas: It is free to navigate on the surface of the high seas. Nationality of aircraft: Aircraft have the characteristic of nationality. Articles The Chicago Conventions contain many articles that state the various rules and regulations. Some of them are: Article 1: Every state has complete and exclusive sovereignty over airspace above its territory. International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO ICAO nurtures the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. It adopts standards and practices regarding: Air navigation Infrastructure Flight inspection Prevention of illegal interference Assistance of border-crossing procedures for international civil aviation The main objective of ICAO is to regulate civil aviation matters throughout the world. It includes nationality registration of aircraft, documentation certification, standardisation of procedures, financial, technical and statistical services and lastly the freedoms of the air. The ICAO functions through 18 annexes covering different areas in the International Air transport business. Annex 1 Personnel Licensing This annex provides standards and recommended practices for the licensing of flight crew members such as pilots, flight navigators and flight engineers. It also provides standards for air traffic controllers, aeronautical station operators, maintenance technicians and flight dispatchers. Annex 2 Rules of the Air A set of internally agreed rules of air makes air travel safe and efficient. This annex contains visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight rules (IFR) developed by ICAO. These rules can be applied without exception over the high seas and national territories to the extent that they do not conflict with the rules of the State being overflown. The aircraft pilot is responsible for compliance with these rules. Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation While flying pilots need to be regularly updated about the meteorological conditions. This annex outlines the meteorological services in order to contribute safety, efficiency and regularity of air navigation. This is achieved by providing necessary meteorological information to operators, flight crew members, air traffic services units, search and rescue units, airport management and others concerned with aviation. Close liaison is essential between those supplying meteorological information and those using it. Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts Maps or charts play an important role in the field of aviation. Charts are used as a navigational aid for the safe performance of air operations. The aeronautical charts provide a convenient medium for supplying this information in a manageable, condensed and coordinated manner. Annex 5 Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations This annex speaks about the units used in communication between the aircraft and the ground stations. It contains an ICAO table of units essentially based on the metric system. It also contains four additional interim tables of units for use by those States unable to use the primary table. Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft To ensure highest levels of safety and efficiency in international air transport all the operations should be standardised. The purpose of this annex is to provide criteria for safe operating practices in order to have safe international air navigation. It also encourages ICAOs contracting states to facilitate the passage over their territories of commercial aircraft belonging to other countries that operate in conformity with these criteria. Annex 7 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks This annex deals with an aircrafts nationality and registration marks. It also classifies aircraft based on for how long they can maintain sustained flight in the air. Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft An aircraft should be designed, constructed and operated keeping in mind the requirements of the State of Registry of the aircraft. Every aircraft fit to fly is issued with a Certificate of Airworthiness. This annex contains standards for the recognition by States of Certificates of Airworthiness for the purpose of flight of aircraft of other States into and over their territories thereby achieving, among other things, protection of other aircraft, third parties and property. Annex 9 Facilitation The Chicago Convention derives several provisions for the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) on Facilitation (FAL). Annex 9 specifies methods and procedures for carrying out clearance operations in such a manner as to meet the twin objectives of effective compliance with the laws of States and productivity for the operators, airports and government inspection agencies involved. It provides reference for planners and managers of international airport operations, describing maximum limits on obligations of industry and minimum facilities to be provided by governments. Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications This annex covers the aeronautical communications, navigation and surveillance elements of International Civil Aviation. Annex 11 Air Traffic Services This annex defines the air traffic services and specifies the worldwide standards and recommended practices applicable in the provision of these services. Annex 12 Search and Rescue This Annex provides a set of internationally agreed Standards and Recommended Practices to rapidly locate and rescue survivors of aircraft accidents. Annex 13 Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Detection of the cause of an aircraft accident or serious incident is a must in order to prevent repeated occurrences. A properly conducted investigation helps to identify the causal factor. This annex states that the main objective of the investigation of an accident or incident is prevention. It provides international requirements for the investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents, which are written in a simple format so that it can be understood by all participants in an investigation. Annex 14 Aerodromes This annex extends from planning of airports and helicopters to details of switch-over times for secondary power supply; from civil engineering to illumination engineering; from provision of sophisticated rescue and fire fighting equipment to simple requirements for keeping airports clear of birds. The impact of these numerous subjects on the annex is compounded by the rapidly changing industry which airports must support. This annex changes rapidly due to the introduction of new aircraft models, increased aircraft operations, operations in lower visibilities and technological advances in airport equipment. Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services The Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) plays an important role in supporting the International Civil Aviation. The main objective of the AIS is to ensure the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international air navigation. This annex defines how an aeronautical information service shall receive and/or originate, collate or assemble, edit, format, publish/store and distribute specified aeronautical information/data. The goal is to satisfy the need for uniformity and consistency in the provision of aeronautical information/data that is required for the operational use by international civil aviation. Annex 16 Environmental Protection This annex deals with the protection of the environment from the effect of aircraft noise and aircraft engine emission. Annex 17 Security This annex speaks about the ICAO civil aviation security programme and seeks to safeguard civil aviation and its facilities against acts of unlawful interference. The annex is primarily concerned with the administrative and coordination aspects, as well as with technical measures for the protection of the security of international air transport. It also seeks to coordinate the activities of those involved in security programmes. Annex 18 The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air This annex specifies the standards and recommended practices to be followed for the transportation of dangerous goods. Dangerous cargo that may be explosive, corrosive, flammable, toxic and even radioactive is transported world wide for a variety of industrial, commercial, medical and research requirements and processes. ICAO recognises the importance of this type of cargo and has taken steps to ensure that such cargo is carried safely.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Jewish Identity in Conflict Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

My Jewish Identity in Conflict When I think of my "cultural identity," my religion--Judaism--comes to mind first and foremost. When I think of my Jewish identity in conflict, racism (in my case "anti-Semitism") is the obvious factor. But to fully define my conflict with my religious identity, I cannot only write from personal experiences with racism. I must also include the anti-Semitism that my forefathers have endured, from the beginning of time up to today, ranging from the Spanish Inquisition to the Holocaust, from the massacre at the Munich Olympics to Iraq's actions in the Persian Gulf War. From direct racism and intended hatred to subtle racism in the form of jokes and passing comments, anti-Semitism has played a big part in my life, and a huge part in the history of my religion. From the beginning of time, Jews have been oppressed. Dating back to the times of Moses and on until the 15th century with the Spanish Inquisition, the Jewish people have been prosecuted solely because of their religious beliefs. Their courageous battles over time against their oppressors merit much admiration. Perhaps the Jewish people's greatest tragedy ever is the Holocaust of World War II. In Nazi Germany and throughout Europe in the 1930's and 40's, Jews were branded with yellow arm patches of Jewish stars. They were sandwiched onto boxcars--literally stacked on top of one another--and deported to concentration camps, where the old, the women, and the children were systematically murdered upon arrival. At liberation in 1945, over six million Jews had been killed in these inhumane concentration camps. Somehow, the Jews survived through Adolph Hitler and the Nazis to persevere. But discrimination continued. In 1972 at the Olympic Ga... ...ver hate someone because of their religion, or race, or creed, or descent. It is wrong, and I will never do it. I don't hate Palestinians; I hate their government and their cruel methods of what they call "freedom-fighting" (what most call terrorism). I don't hate Lebanese people; I despise their leader and his slaughterous ways. I used to stand up for my Judaism only in certain times, when I wouldn't feel embarrassed. Now, when my religious identity is challenged, I proudly stand up for my Judaism, defending my heritage at all times. We are taught never to forget. Forgive, but do not forget. Once these historical tragedies are forgotten, they will repeat themselves in disastrous, deadly fashion. It can be stopped. It must be stopped. It's up to each person to do their part. I'm just trying to do mine. A little piece of the puzzle, but each little piece counts.